About Us.

Sky's Coffee.

Sky’s Coffee is a gastronomic and astrological cultural center, marked by a concept that is based on the deep study of the energetic influences that the 12 Zodiac signs have and their relationship with sensory tastes. Under this premise, Sky’s Coffee joins the concepts of Astrology, Gastronomy and Art. These three elements are the basis of the pleasure that each person feels when visits one of our branches. The Astrological concept is applied to all physical, virtual, and sensory environments.


Rel nulla pulvinar montes suspendisse, turpis. Elementum nibh, autem nulla ullam, proident, hac ratione platea! Libero nam, harum quisque turpis fames sollicitudin blanditiis est aliquam aptent blandit class, occaecat! Fames. 


Our Chefs

Charles Davis

Head Chef

Vincent Green

Sous Chef

Samuel Sims

Restaurant Manager

David Butler

Pasta Expert

Looking For Management Interns

Restaurant Amenities

Free WiFi

Smoking Zone

Live Music


"Aliquip habitant ea suscipit ea varius cras habitasse ligula doloremque cepteur vehicula iste nibh, mattis assumenda massa."
- Shamika Smith​

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